Long Title
Complete lesion of L3 level of lumbar spinal cord subsequent encounter
Code to highest level of lumbar cord injury
Injuries to the spinal cord (S34.0 and S34.1) refer to the cord level and not bone level injury, and can affect nerve roots at and below the level given.
Use secondary code(s) from Chapter 20, External causes of morbidity, to indicate cause of injury. Codes within the T section that include the external cause do not require an additional external cause code
The chapter uses the S-section for coding different types of injuries related to single body regions and the T-section to cover injuries to unspecified body regions as well as poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes.
Inclusion Terms
Complete lesion of lumbar spinal cord level 3
Complete lesion of lumbar spinal cord level 3
Code Also
Use Additional
injuries to the abdominal wall
injuries to the anus
injuries to the buttock
injuries to the external genitalia
injuries to the flank
injuries to the groin
Excludes 1
Excludes 2
- T20-T32 Burns and corrosions (T20-T32)
effects of foreign body in anus and rectum (T18.5)
- T18.5 Foreign body in anus and rectum
effects of foreign body in genitourinary tract (T19.-)
- T19 Foreign body in genitourinary tract
effects of foreign body in stomach, small intestine and colon (T18.2-T18.4)
- T33-T34 Frostbite (T33-T34)
insect bite or sting, venomous (T63.4)
- T63.4 Toxic effect of venom of other arthropods