Laceration without foreign body of finger without damage to nail
S00-T88 Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes (S00-T88)
S60-S69 Injuries to the wrist, hand and fingers (S60-S69)
S61 Open wound of wrist, hand and fingers
S61.2 Open wound of other finger without damage to nail
S61.21 Laceration without foreign body of finger without damage to nail
S61.210 Laceration without foreign body of right index finger without damage to nail
S61.211 Laceration without foreign body of left index finger without damage to nail
S61.212 Laceration without foreign body of right middle finger without damage to nail
S61.213 Laceration without foreign body of left middle finger without damage to nail
S61.214 Laceration without foreign body of right ring finger without damage to nail
S61.215 Laceration without foreign body of left ring finger without damage to nail
S61.216 Laceration without foreign body of right little finger without damage to nail
S61.217 Laceration without foreign body of left little finger without damage to nail
S61.218 Laceration without foreign body of other finger without damage to nail
S61.219 Laceration without foreign body of unspecified finger without damage to nail
Use secondary code(s) from Chapter 20, External causes of morbidity, to indicate cause of injury. Codes within the T section that include the external cause do not require an additional external cause code
The chapter uses the S-section for coding different types of injuries related to single body regions and the T-section to cover injuries to unspecified body regions as well as poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes.
Code Also
any associated wound infection
Use Additional
Excludes 1
open wound of finger involving nail (matrix) (S61.3-)
- S61.3 Open wound of other finger with damage to nail
open fracture of wrist, hand and finger (S62.- with 7th character B)
traumatic amputation of wrist and hand (S68.-)
- S68 Traumatic amputation of wrist, hand and fingers
- P10-P15 Birth trauma (P10-P15)
obstetric trauma (O70-O71)