


Burns involving 90% or more of body surface with 20-29% third degree burns

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  • S00-T88 Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes (S00-T88)
    • T30-T32 Burns and corrosions of multiple and unspecified body regions (T30-T32)
      • T31 Burns classified according to extent of body surface involved
        • T31.9 Burns involving 90% or more of body surface
          • T31.90 Burns involving 90% or more of body surface with 0% to 9% third degree burns
          • T31.91 Burns involving 90% or more of body surface with 10-19% third degree burns
          • T31.92 Burns involving 90% or more of body surface with 20-29% third degree burns
          • T31.93 Burns involving 90% or more of body surface with 30-39% third degree burns
          • T31.94 Burns involving 90% or more of body surface with 40-49% third degree burns
          • T31.95 Burns involving 90% or more of body surface with 50-59% third degree burns
          • T31.96 Burns involving 90% or more of body surface with 60-69% third degree burns
          • T31.97 Burns involving 90% or more of body surface with 70-79% third degree burns
          • T31.98 Burns involving 90% or more of body surface with 80-89% third degree burns
          • T31.99 Burns involving 90% or more of body surface with 90% or more third degree burns



  • This category is to be used as the primary code only when the site of the burn is unspecified. It should be used as a supplementary code with categories T20-T25 when the site is specified.


  • Use secondary code(s) from Chapter 20, External causes of morbidity, to indicate cause of injury. Codes within the T section that include the external cause do not require an additional external cause code
  • The chapter uses the S-section for coding different types of injuries related to single body regions and the T-section to cover injuries to unspecified body regions as well as poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes.

Use Additional


  • code to identify any retained foreign body, if applicable (Z18.-)
    • Z18 Retained foreign body fragments

Excludes 1


  • P10-P15 Birth trauma (P10-P15)
  • obstetric trauma (O70-O71)