


subsequent encounter

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  • V00-Y99 External causes of morbidity (V00-Y99)
    • Y35-Y38 Legal intervention, operations of war, military operations, and terrorism (Y35-Y38)
      • Y36 Operations of war
        • Y36.5 War operations involving nuclear weapons
          • Y36.54 War operation involving nuclear radiation effects of nuclear weapon
            • Y36.541 War operation involving nuclear radiation effects of nuclear weapon, civilian

Long Title


  • War operation involving nuclear radiation effects of nuclear weapon, civilian subsequent encounter



  • This chapter permits the classification of environmental events and circumstances as the cause of injury, and other adverse effects. Where a code from this section is applicable, it is intended that it shall be used secondary to a code from another chapter of the Classification indicating the nature of the condition. Most often, the condition will be classifiable to Chapter 19, Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes (S00-T88). Other conditions that may be stated to be due to external causes are classified in Chapters I to XVIII. For these conditions, codes from Chapter 20 should be used to provide additional information as to the cause of the condition.
    • S00-T88 Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes (S00-T88)

Inclusion Terms


  • War operation involving acute radiation exposure from nuclear weapon
  • War operation involving exposure to immediate ionizing radiation from nuclear weapon
  • War operation involving fallout exposure from nuclear weapon
  • War operation involving secondary effects of nuclear weapons


  • War operations involving dirty bomb NOS



  • injuries to military personnel and civilians caused by war, civil insurrection, and peacekeeping missions

Excludes 1


  • injury to military personnel occurring during peacetime military operations (Y37.-)
    • Y37 Military operations
  • military vehicles involved in transport accidents with non-military vehicle during peacetime (V09.01, V09.21, V19.81, V29.818, V39.81, V49.81, V59.81, V69.81, V79.81)
    • V09.01 Pedestrian injured in nontraffic accident involving military vehicle
    • V09.21 Pedestrian injured in traffic accident involving military vehicle
    • V19.81 Pedal cyclist (driver) (passenger) injured in transport accident with military vehicle
    • V29.818 Rider (driver) (passenger) of other motorcycle injured in transport accident with military vehicle
    • V39.81 Occupant (driver) (passenger) of three-wheeled motor vehicle injured in transport accident with military vehicle
    • V49.81 Car occupant (driver) (passenger) injured in transport accident with military vehicle
    • V59.81 Occupant (driver) (passenger) of pick-up truck or van injured in transport accident with military vehicle
    • V69.81 Occupant (driver) (passenger) of heavy transport vehicle injured in transport accidents with military vehicle
    • V79.81 Bus occupant (driver) (passenger) injured in transport accidents with military vehicle